BBC Documentary

 I have been searching the internet for useful information and I came across a documentary on BBC Iplayer which I found very interesting. I found some useful quotes that could be used as evidence possibly in my dissertation? Or just to have to reference back to. 

It’s a documentary on BBC Iplayer, it's called Top Of The Pops: The Story of the 1990’s. 

Here are some of the useful quotes I found, however I cannot state names as I do not know this information. Below is the link where I have sourced this information:

“The year that dance music took over” 

“We had this kind of post-depression Thatcherism, where people wanted to express, because they felt they’d been repressed for so long” 

“The winter of 89 and the spring of 1990 saw a momentous change in the world” 

“Meanwhile in Britain... Margaret Thatcher was under pressure. Her approved rating was at an all time low. She championed the deeply unpopular poll tax. And the youth were properly rebelling” 

“30,000, 40,000 to 50,000 people at these outdoor events in fields”

“On January the 27th a mass demonstration filled Trafalgar Square to protest against the government bill to shut down raves and parties” 

“More acid house parties means more aggravation for local communities” 

These quotes may be useful for me when it comes to evidencing my findings of my research. 

Using a range of sources to find information will benefit me in the long run as it means I will have more evidence to back up my findings. It is also interesting to find information through a range of sources because you can find things that conflict other information that you have found. I feel that it is easy to listen to a documentary as well because of our generation we are so reliant on technology and watching tele has become quite an addictive thing over the years, its what we know, watching things can often be easier than reading and searching through articles. 


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